- St Catherine's Church
- Church Road
- Tranmere
- Wirral
- CH42 0LQ
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Most of our Sunday morning sermons are available to listen online or download to your computer or other device. Left click a link below and choose 'Open' or 'Save'. Right click for other options
Sunday@7 sermon series are now also being recorded from 9th January 2022. As of 8th January 2023, the readings are also being recorded at Sunday@7.
All available recordings of Sunday morning sermons are now on the Church website.
Sunday@7: 16th February 2025: 1 Peter 2 v 18 to 25: James Terry
16th February 2025: Luke 15 v 1 to 10: James Terry
(Due to a technical issue, there is no recording for this date)
Sunday@7: 9th February 2025: 1 Peter 2 v 11 to 17: James Terry
9th February 2025: Luke 14 v 15 to 24: Paul Crowther
Sunday@7: 2nd February 2025: 1 Peter 2 v 4 to 10: James Terry
2nd February 2025: Luke 13 v 1 to 9: James Terry
Sunday@7: 26th January 2025: 1 Peter 1 v 22 to 2 v 3: James Terry
All-Age Service: 26th January 2025: Luke 12 v 13 to 21: James Terry
Sunday@7: 19th January 2025: 1 Peter 1 v 13 to 21: James Terry
19th January 2025: Luke 11 v 1 to 11: James Terry
Sunday@7: 12th January 2025: 1 Peter 1 v 3 to 12: James Terry
12th January 2025: Luke 10 v 25 to 37: James Terry
Sunday@7: 1 Peter 1 v 1 to 2 & 5 v 12 to 14: James Terry
5th January 2025: Philippians 3 v 1 to 15: James Terry
29th December 2024: Luke 2 v 25 to 35: Derek Marshall
All-Age Christmas Day: 25th December 2024: Luke 2 v 8 to 20: James Terry
Sunday@7: 22nd December 2024: Luke 2 v 1 to 7: James Terry
All-Age Nativity Service: 22nd December 2024: Matthew 2 v 1 to 15: James Terry
15th December 2024: Luke 1 v 57 to 80: James Terry
Sunday@7: Malachi 3 v 13 to 4 v 6: James Terry
8th December 2024: Luke 1 v 39 to 56: James Terry
Sunday@7: Malachi 3 v 6 to 12: James Terry
1st December 2024: Nehemiah 12 v 44 to 13 v 31: James Terry
Sunday@7: 24th November 2024: Malachi 2 v 17 to 3 v 5: James Terry
24th November 2024: Nehemiah 11 v 1 to 12 v 43: James Terry
Sunday@7: Malachi 2 v 10 to 16: James Terry
17th November 2024: Nehemiah 9 v 1 to 38: James Terry
(Due to a technical issue, there is no recording for this date)
Sunday@7: 10th November 2024: Malachi 1 v 6 to 2 v 9: James Terry
All-Age Remembrance Service: 10th November 2024: Psalm 23: James Terry
Sunday@7: 3rd November 2024: Malachi 1 v 1 to 5: James Terry
3rd November 2024: Nehemiah 8 v 1 to 18: James Terry
Sunday@7: 27th October 2024: Psalm 37: James Terry
27th October 2024: Nehemiah 6 v 1 to 7 v 5: James Terry
Sunday@7: 20th October 2024: Psalm 35: James Terry
20th October 2024: Nehemiah 5 v 1 to 19: James Terry
Sunday@7: 13th October 2024: Psalm 33: James Terry
All-Age Harvest Festival: 13th October 2024: Luke 5 v 27 to 32: James Terry
Sunday@7: 6th October 2024: Psalm 32: James Terry
6th October 2024: Nehemiah 4 v 1 to 23: James Terry
Sunday@7: Psalm 107: Dave Bennett
(Due to an accident with the recording device, the last few minutes of the sermon are missing.)
29th September 2024: Nehemiah 3 v 1 to 32: Dave Bennett
Sunday@7: 22nd September 2024: Psalm 6: James Terry
22nd September 2024: Nehemiah 2 v 1 to 20: James Terry
15th September 2024: Nehemiah 1 v 1 to 11: James Terry
Sunday@7: 8th September 2024: Psalm 2: James Terry
All-Age Service: 8th September 2024: Luke 10 v 38 to 42: James Terry
Sunday@7: 1st September 2024: Psalm 1: James Terry
1st September 2024: Psalm 55: Paul Lewis
Sunday@7: 25th August 2024: Haggai 2 v 1 to 9: Derek Marshall
25th August 2024: Psalm 54: Dave Bennett
(Due to a problem with the recording, the page number and the start of the introduction is missing.)
Sunday@7: 18th August 2024: Luke 21 v 5 to 38: Peter Froggatt
(We apologise for the poor quality of this recording. There is some interference on certain parts of the sermon that only appeared on the recording and were not there during the live sermon.)
18th August 2024: Psalm 53: James Terry
Sunday@7: 11th August 2024: Luke 21 v 1 to 4: James Terry
11th August 2024: Psalm 52: James Terry
Sunday@7: 4th August 2024: Luke 20 v 45 to 47: James Terry
4th August 2024: Psalm 51: James Terry
Sunday@7: 28th July 2024: Luke 20 v 41 to 44: Dave Bennett
28th July 2024: Galatians 6 v 1 to 18: Steve James
(This recording includes an interview with guest preacher, Steve James.)
Sunday@7: 21st July 2024: Luke 20 v 27 to 40: James Terry
All-Age Service: 21st July 2024: Matthew 6 v 9 to 15: James Terry
Sunday@7: Luke 20 v 20 to 26: James Terry
14th July 2024: Galatians 5 v 13 to 26: James Terry
Sunday@7: Luke 20 v 9 to 19: Gareth Madeley
7th July 2024: Galatians 5 v 1 to 12: James Terry
Sunday@7: 30th June 2024: Luke 20 v 1 to 8: Paul Lewis
30th June 2024: Galatians 4 v 8 to 31: James Terry
Sunday@7: Luke 19 v 41 to 48: James Terry
All-Age Service: 23rd June 2024: Matthew 6 v 11: James Terry
Sunday@7: 16th June 2024: Luke 19 v 28 to 40: James Terry
Father's Day Service: 16th June 2024: Galatians 3 v 26 to 4 v 7: James Terry
Sunday@7: 9th June 2024: Habakkuk 3 v 1 to 19: James Terry
9th June 2024: Galatians 3 v 15 to 25: James Terry
Sunday@7: 2nd June 2024: Habakkuk 1 v 12 to 2 v 20: James Terry
2nd June 2024: Galatians 3 v 1 to 14: James Terry
Sunday@7: 26th May 2024: Habakkuk 1 v 1 to 11: James Terry
26th May 2024: Galatians 2 v 11 to 21: James Terry
Sunday@7: 19th May 2024: Acts 2 v 1 to 21: Derek Marshall
(This recording includes an interview with guest preacher, Derek Marshall.)
All-Age Pentecost Sunday Service: 19th May 2024: Matthew 6 v 10: James Terry
Sunday@7: 12th May 2024: Nahum 2 v 1 to 3 v 19: James Terry
12th May 2024: Galatians 1 v 10 to 2 v 10: James Terry
Sunday@7: 5th May 2024: Nahum 1 v 1 to 15: James Terry
5th May 2024: Galatians 1 v 1 to 9: James Terry
Sunday@7: 28th April 2024: Ephesians 6 v 10 to 24: James Terry
All-Age Service: 28th April 2024: Matthew 6 v 5 to 15: James Terry
21st April 2024: John 21 v 1 to 25: James Terry
Sunday@7: 14th April 2024: Ephesians 6 v 1 to 9: James Terry
14th April 2024: John 20 v 19 to 31: James Terry
Easter Joy Sunday@7: 1 Peter 1 v 3 to 13: James Terry
7th April 2024: John 20 v 1 to 18: James Terry
Easter Praise Sunday@7: 31st March 2024: Mark 16 v 1 to 8: James Terry
All-Age Easter Sunday Service: 31st March 2024: Luke 24 v 13 to 35: James Terry
(Due to a technical issue during the service, there is no recording for this date. This issue is being investigated.)
All-Age Good Friday Service: 29th March 2024: Luke 23 v 32 to 43: James Terry
Sunday@7: 24th March 2024: Ephesians 5 v 21 to 33: James Terry
Palm Sunday Service: 24th March 2024: John 19 v 28 to 42: James Terry
(Due to a technical issue during the service, there is no recording for this date. This issue has now been resolved.)
Sunday@7: 17th March 2024: Ephesians 5 v 3 to 21: James Terry
17th March 2024: John 19 v 17 to 27: James Terry
Sunday@7: 10th March 2024: Ephesians 4 v 17 to 5 v 2: James Terry
Mother's Day Service: 10th March 2024: John 19 v 1 to 16: James Terry
Sunday@7: 3rd March 2024: Acts 20 v 13 to 38: James Terry
3rd March 2024: John 18 v 28 to 40: James Terry
Sunday@7: 25th February 2024: Ephesians 4 v 7 to 16: James Terry
All-Age Holiday Club Service: 25th February 2024: Genesis 45 v 1 to 15: James Terry
(We apologise for the poor recording quality. This is due to a technical issue that is currently being investigated.)
Sunday@7: 18th February 2024: Ephesians 4 v 1 to 6: James Terry
18th February 2024: John 18 v 15 to 27: James Terry
Sunday@7: 11th February 2024: Ephesians 3 v 14 to 21: James Terry
11th February 2024: John 18 v 1 to 14: James Terry
Sunday@7: 4th February 2024: Ephesians 3 v 1 to 13: James Terry
4th February 2024: Romans 8 v 1 to 17: Bishop Rob Munro
(This recording includes an interview with guest preacher, Bishop Rob Munro.)
Sunday@7: 28th January 2024: Ephesians 2 v 11 to 22: James Terry
All-Age Service: 28th January 2024: Matthew 7 v 24 to 29: James Terry
Sunday@7: 21st January 2024: Ephesians 2 v 1 to 10: James Terry
21st January 2024: 2 Samuel 24 v 1 to 25: James Terry
Sunday@7: 14th January 2024: Ephesians 1 v 15 to 23: James Terry
14th January 2024: 2 Samuel 21 v 15 to 22 & 23 v 8 to 39: James Terry
Sunday@7: 7th January 2024: Ephesians 1 v 1 to 14: James Terry
7th January 2024: 2 Samuel 22 v 1 to 23 v 7: James Terry
31st December 2023: Matthew 2 v 1 to 12: James Terry
24th December 2023: Matthew 1 v 18 to 25: James Terry
Sunday@7: 17th December 2023: Luke 1 v 26 to 38: James Terry
10th December 2023: 2 Samuel 19 v 9 to 20 v 26: James Terry
Sunday@7: 3rd December 2023: Jude: James Terry
Advent Sunday: 3rd December 2023: 2 Samuel 17 v 24 - 19 v 8: James Terry
Sunday@7: 26th November 2023: Daniel 11 v 2 to 12 v 13: James Terry
26th November 2023: 2 Samuel 16 v 15 to 17 v 23: James Terry
Sunday@7: 19th November 2023: Matthew 13 v 1 to 8 & 18 to 23: Dave Bennett
(Due to some technical problems, there is no recording for this date.)
19th November 2023: 2 Samuel 15 v 13 to 16 v 14: Dave Bennett
(This recording includes an interview with guest preacher, Dave Bennett.)
Sunday@7: 12th November 2023: Daniel 10 v 1 to 11 v 1: James Terry
All-Age Remembrance Service: 12th November 2023: Luke 7 v 11 to 17: James Terry
(We apologise for the poor start to this recording due to sound and computer issues.)
Sunday@7: 5th November 2023: Daniel 9 v 1 - 27: James Terry
5th November 2023: 2 Samuel 13 v 1 to 14 v 33: James Terry
Sunday@7: 29th October 2023: Daniel 8 v 1 to 27: James Terry
29th October 2023: 2 Samuel 11 v 1 to 12 v 31: James Terry
(This recording includes a Global Focus slot.)
Sunday@7: Daniel 7 v 1 to 28: James Terry
22nd October 2023: 2 Samuel 9 v 1 to 10 v 19: James Terry
15th October 2023: 2 Samuel 7 v 1 to 8 v 18: James Terry
Sunday@7: 8th October 2023: Daniel 6 v 1 to 28: James Terry
8th October 2023: 2 Samuel 5 v 6 to 6 v 23: James Terry
Sunday@7: Daniel 5 v 1 to 31: James Terry
All-Age Harvest Festival: 1st October 2023: Matthew 4 v 1 to 11: James Terry
Sunday@7: 24th September 2023: Daniel 4 v 1 to 37: James Terry
24th September 2023: 2 Samuel 4 v 1 to 5 v 5: James Terry
(This recording includes a Global Focus slot.)
Sunday@7: 17th September 2023: Daniel 3 v 1 to 30: James Terry
17th September 2023: 2 Samuel 2 v 1 to 3 v 39: James Terry
Sunday@7: 10th September 2023: Daniel 2 v 1 to 49: James Terry
10th September 2023: 2 Samuel 1 v 1 to 27: James Terry
Sunday@7: Daniel 1 v 1 to 21: James Terry
All-Age Service: 3rd September 2023: Mark 1 v 1 & v 14 to 20: James Terry
Sunday@7: 27th August 2023: Romans 4 v 13 to 25: Derek Marshall
(This recording includes an interview with guest preacher, Derek Marshall.)
27th August 2023: Psalm 50: Dave Bennett
(This recording includes an interview with guest preacher, Dave Bennett.)
Sunday@7: 20th August 2023: Philippians 4 v 10 to 23: James Terry
20th August 2023: Psalm 49: James Terry
(Due to a possible recording problem, there is no recording for this date.)
Sunday@7: 13th August 2023: Philippians 4 v 2 to 9: James Terry
13th August 2023: Psalm 48: James Terry
Sunday@7: 6th August 2023: Philippians 3 v 10 to 4 v 1: James Terry
6th August 2023: Psalm 47: James Terry
Sunday@7: 30th July 2023: Philippians 3 v 1 to 9: James Terry
30th July 2023: Psalm 46: James Terry
Sunday@7: 23rd July 2023: Philippians 2 v 19 to 30: James Terry
23rd July 2023: Psalm 45: James Terry
Sunday@7: 16th July 2023: Philippians 2 v 12 to 18: James Terry
All-Age Service: 16th July 2023: Psalm 19: James Terry
Sunday@7: 9th July 2023: Philippians 1 v 27 to 2 v 11: James Terry
9th July 2023: Acts 28 v 16 to 31: James Terry
Sunday@7: 2nd July 2023: Philippians 1 v 12 to 26: James Terry
2nd July 2023: Acts 28 v 1 to 16: James Terry
(Due to a technical problem during the sermon, there is no recording for this date.)
Sunday@7: 25th June 2023: Philippians 1 v 1 to 11: James Terry
25th June 2023: Acts 27 v 1 to 44: James Terry
(This recording includes audio from a Movie Trailer.)
Sunday@7: 18th June 2023: Luke 19 v 11 to 27: James Terry
18th June 2023: Acts 25 v 23 to 26 v 32: James Terry
Sunday@7: 11th June 2023: Luke 19 v 1 to 10: James Terry
All-Age Service: 11th June 2023: Revelations 21 v 1 to 5 & 22 v 1 to 6: James Terry
Sunday@7: 4th June 2023: Luke 18 v 31 to 43: James Terry
4th June 2023: Acts 25 v 1 to 22: James Terry
Sunday@7: 28th May 2023: Luke 18 v 15 to 30: James Terry
Pentecost Sunday: 28th May 2023: Acts 24 v 1 to 27: James Terry
21st May 2023: Acts 22 v 30 to 23 v 35: James Terry
(We apologise for the absence of a reading before this sermon.)
Sunday@7: 14th May 2023: Luke 18 v 9 to 14: Derek Marshall
(We apologise for the absence of a recording of this sermon.)
14th May 2023: Acts 21 v 37 to 22 v 21: Dave Bennett
(this also includes an interview with Dave Bennett.)
Sunday@7: 7th May 2023: Luke 18 v 1 to 8: James Terry
7th May 2023: Matthew 21 v 1 to 11 & 27 v 37 to 31: James Terry
Sunday@7: 30th April 2023: Luke 17 v 20 to 37: James Terry
30th April 2023: Acts 21 v 17 to 36: James Terry
Sunday@7: 23rd April 2023: Luke 17 v 11 to 19: James Terry
23rd April 2023: Acts 21 v 1 to 17: James Terry
Sunday@7: 16th April 2023: Psalm 13 (Journey Through Lament): James Terry
16th April 2023: Matthew 28 v 1 to 20: James Terry
(This also includes a Global Focus segment.)
Easter Praise Sunday@7: 9th April 2023: John 11 v 32 to 44, John 20 v 11 to 18, Revelation 7 v 9 to 17 & Revelation 21 v 1 to 5: James Terry
All-Age Easter Sunday Communion: 9th April 2023: John 20 v 11 to 18: James Terry
All-Age Good Friday: 7th April 2023: Mark 14 v 32 to 42: James Terry
Sunday@7: 2nd April 2023: Luke 19 v 41 to 44: James Terry
Palm Sunday: 2nd April 2023: John 17 v 1 to 26: James Terry
Sunday@7: 26th March 2023: Lamentations 5 v 1 to 22: James Terry
26th March 2023: John 16 v 16 to 33: James Terry
Sunday@7: 19th March 2023: Lamentations 4 v 1 to 22: James Terry
All-Age Mothering Sunday Service: 19th March 2023: Genesis 3 v 1 to 24: James Terry
Sunday@7: 12th March 2023: Lamentation 3 v 1 to 66: James Terry
12th March 2023: John 16 v 5 to 15: James Terry
(This also includes a Global Focus segment about Fairtrade.)
Sunday@7: 5th March 2023: Lamentations 2 v 1 to 22: James Terry
5th March 2023: John 15 v 18 to 16 v 4: James Terry
Sunday@7: 26th February 2023: Lamentations 1 v 1 to 22: James Terry
All-Age Holiday Club Service: 26th February 2023: Daniel 7 v 1 to 2, 9 to 10 and 13 to 14: James Terry
Sunday@7: 19th February 2023: Leviticus 26 - 27: James Terry
19th February 2023: John 15 v 1 to 17: James Terry
Sunday@7: 12th February 2023: Leviticus 23 - 25: James Terry
12th February 2023: John 14 v 15 - 31: James Terry
(This also includes an interview with Nerena Nethercoat.)
Sunday@7: 5th February 2023: 1 Thessalonians 4 v 1 to 12: James Terry
Sunday@7: 5th February 2023: Leviticus 18 to 22: Charlotte Kirkham [Readings Only]
5th February 2023: John 14 v 1 to 14: James Terry
Sunday@7: 29th January 2023: Leviticus 16 to 17: James Terry
All-Age Baptism 29th January 2023: Genesis 2 v 4 to 25: James Terry
Sunday@7: 22nd January 2023: Leviticus 11 to 15: James Terry
22nd January 2023: John 13 v 18 to 38: James Terry
Sunday@7: 15th January 2023: Leviticus 8 to 10: James Terry
15th January 2023: John 13 v 1 to 17: James Terry
Sunday@7: 8th January 2023: Leviticus 1 - 7: James Terry
8th January 2023: 2 Timothy 3 v 15 to 16: James Terry
New Years Day Sunday 1st January 2023: Psalm 1: James Terry
Christmas Day Sunday 25th December 2022: Luke 2 v 1 to 7: James Terry
Sunday@7: 18th December 2022: Luke 1 v 39 to 56: James Terry
11th December 2022: 1 Samuel 30 v 1 to 31 v 13: James Terry
Sunday@7: 4th December 2022: Titus 3 v 1 to 15: Peter Froggatt
4th December 2022: 1 Samuel 27 v 1 to 29 v 11: James Terry
Sunday@7: 27th November 2022: Titus 2 v 11 to 15: James Terry
Advent Sunday 27th November 2022: 1 Samuel 26 v 1 to 25: James Terry
Sunday@7: 20th November 2022: Titus 2 v 1 to 10: Dave Bennett
Memorial Service For The Bereaved: Sunday 20th November 2022: John 11 v 25, 26 & 32 to 44: James Terry
20th November 2022: 1 Samuel 25 v 1 to 44: James Terry
Sunday@7: 13th November 2022: Titus 1 v 5 to 16: James Terry
Remembrance Sunday 13th November 2022: Mark 5 v 21 to 43: James Terry
Sunday@7: 6th November 2022: Titus 1 v 1 to 4: James Terry
6th November 2022: 1 Samuel 24 v 1 to 22: James Terry
Sunday@7: 30th October 2022: 2 Timothy 4 v 9 to 22: Dave Bennett
30th October 2022: 1 Samuel 23 v 1 to 29: James Terry
Sunday@7: 23rd October 2022: 2 Timothy 4 v 1 to 8: James Terry
23rd October 2022: 1 Samuel 21 v 1 to 22 v 23: James Terry
Sunday@7: 16th October 2022: 2 Timothy 3 v 10 to 17: James Terry
16th October 2022: 1 Samuel 20 v 1 to 42: James Terry
Sunday@7: 9th October 2022: 2 Timothy 3 v 1 to 9: James Terry
Harvest Festival 9th October 2022: Mark 6 v 30 to 44: James Terry
Sunday@7: 2nd October 2022: God & Creation: James Terry
2nd October 2022: 1 Samuel 18 v 1 to 19 v 24: James Terry
Sunday@7: 25th September 2022: 2 Timothy 2 v 14 to 26: James Terry
25th September 2022: 1 Samuel 17 v 1 to 58: James Terry
(This recording includes a Green Focus)
Sunday@7: 18th September 2022: We apologise for the absence of recording for this date.
18th September 2022: 1 Samuel 16 v 1 to 23: James Terry
Sunday@7: 11th September: 2 Timothy 1 v 8 to 18: James Terry
11th September 2022: Revelation 7 v 9 to 17: James Terry
Sunday@7: 4th September 2022: 2 Timothy 1 v 1 to 7: James Terry
4th September 2022: Mark 1 v 14 to 28: James Terry
Sunday@7: 28th August 2022: Matthew 2 v 13 to 23: James Terry
28th August 2022: Psalm 44: James Terry
Sunday@7: 21st August 2022: Matthew 2 v 1 to 12: James Terry
21st August 2022: Psalms 42 & 43: Dave Bennett
14th August 2022: Psalm 41: Paul Lewis
Sunday@7: 7th August 2022: Matthew 1 v 18 to 25: James Terry
7th August 2022: Psalm 40: James Terry
Sunday@7: 31st July 2022: Matthew 1 v 1 to 17: James Terry
31st July 2022: Acts 20 v 13 to 38: James Terry
Sunday@7: 24th July 2022: Luke 17 v 1 to 10: James Terry
24th July 2022: Acts 20 v 1 to 12: James Terry
Sunday@7: 17th July 2022: Luke 16 v 1 to 31: James Terry
17th July 2022:Matthew 14 v 22 to 33: All Age Talk: 'Little Faith': James Terry
Sunday@7: 10th July 2022: Luke 15 v 25 to 32: James Terry
10th July 2022: Acts 19 v 21 to 41: James Terry
3rd July 2022: Acts 19 v 1 to 20: Dave Bennett
Sunday@7: 26th June 2022: Luke 15 v 11 to 24: James Terry
26th June 2022: Acts 18 v 18 to 19 v 1a: James Terry
Sunday@7: 19th June 2022: Luke 15 v 1 to 10: James Terry
19th June 2022: Acts 18 v 1 to 18a: James Terry
Sunday@7: 12th June 2022: Luke 14 v 25 to 35: James Terry
12th June 2022: Matthew 8 v 23 to 27: All Age Talk: James Terry
5th June 2022: Revelation 7 v 9 to 17: James Terry
Sunday@7 5th June 2022: Ephesians 4 v 1 to 6 and 4 v 25 to 5 v 2: James Terry
Sunday@7 29th May 2022: Luke 14 v 15 to 25: James Terry
29th May 2022: Acts 17 v 16 to 34: James Terry
Sunday@7: 22nd May 2022: Luke 14 v 1 to 14: James Terry
22nd May 2022: Acts 17 v 1 to 15: James Terry
15th May 2022:Acts 16 v 16 to 40: James Terry
Sunday@7: 8th May 2022:Luke 13 v 20 to 35:James Terry
Sunday@7: 1 May 2022: Matthew 28 v 16-20: James Terry
1st May 2022: Acts 16 v 6 to 15: James Terry
Sunday@7: 24 April 2022:1 Thessalonians 4v13-18:James
24th April 2022: 1 Corinthians 15 v 35 to 58: Resurrection Life: James Terry
Sunday@7: Easter Praise: 17th April 2022: Matthew 27 v 57 to 28 v 15: James Terry
Easter Day: Sunday 17th April 2022: Luke 23 v 50 to 24 v 49: Easter Detectives (part 3): James Terry
Good Friday 15th April 2022: Luke 22 v 66 to 23 v 49: Easter Detectives (part 2): James Terry
Sunday@7: 10th April 2022: Matthew 27 v 45 to 56: James
10th April 2022: Luke 1 v 1 to 4:Easter Detectives (part 1) Can we Trust the Evidence?: JamesTerry
Sunday@7: 3rd April 2022: Luke 19 v 1 to 10: James Terry
3rd April 2022: Luke 10 v 25 to 37: James Terry
Sunday@7: 27th March 2022:Acts 8 v 26 to 40:James Terry
Sunday@7: 20th Mar 2022:Colossians:4: 2-18:James Terry
20th March 2022: 2 Corinthians 4 v 1 to 9: James Terry
Sunday@7:13th Mar 2022:Genesis 49 v 29 - 50 v 26:James
13th March 2022: Luke 24 v 36 to 49: Peter Froggatt: Interview, Reading & Sermon
Sunday@7:6th Mar 2022:Genesis 48 v 1 - 49 v 28:James
6th March 2022: John 12 v 37 to 50: James Terry
Sunday@7: 27th Feb 2022: Genesis 46 & 47: James Terry
27th February 2022: John 10 v 11 to 18: Holiday Club All Age Talk: Jesus is the Good Shepherd: James & Charlotte
Sunday@7: 20th Feb 2022: Genesis 43 to 45: James Terry
20th February 2022: John 12 v 20 to 36: James Terry
Sunday@7: 13th Feb 2022: Genesis 42 v 1-38: James Terry
13th February 2022: John 12 v 12 to 19: James Terry
Sunday@7: 6th Feb 2022: Genesis 41 v 1-17: James Terry
6th February 2022: John 12 v 1 to 11: James Terry
Sunday@7: 30th Jan 2022:Genesis 40 v 1-23:James Terry
30th January 2022: John 11 v 45 to 57: James Terry
Sunday@7: 23rd Jan 2022:Genesis 39 v 1-23:James Terry
23rd Jan 2022: All Age Talk: John 14 v 1-10: James Terry
Sunday@7: 16th Jan 2022:Genesis 38 v 1-30:James Terry
16th January 2022: John 11 v 1 to 44: James Terry
Sunday@7: 9th Jan 2022: Genesis 37 v 1-36: James Terry
9th January 2022: Morning Sermon not recorded
2nd January 2022: Luke 2 v 25 to 35: James Terry
26th December 2021: Luke 2 v 8 to 20: James Terry
Christmas Day 2021: Luke 2 v 8 to 20: James Terry
12th December 2021: Luke 1 v 39 to 56: James Terry
5th December 2021: 1 Samuel 15 v 1 to 35: James Terry
28th November 2021: 1 Samuel 13:1 to 14:23 JamesTerry
21st November 2021:1 Samuel 12 v 1 to 25:David Banting Interview, Reading and Sermon
14th November 2021: All Age Talk: Remembrance Sunday: Romans 5 v 1 to 11: James Terry
7th November 2021:1 Samuel 9:1-21,10:1-16:James Terry
31st October 2021: 1 Samuel 8 v 1 to 22: James Terry
24th October 2021: 1 Samuel 7 v 2 to 17: Paul Lewis: Interview, Reading & Sermon
17th October 2021: Creation Sunday: James Terry
10th October 2021: 1 Samuel 4 v 1 to 7 v 2: James Terry
3rd October 2021: All Age Harvest Thanksgiving Talk: Matthew 9 v 35 to 38: James Terry
26th September 2021: 1 Samuel 3:1 to 4:1a: James Terry
19th September 2021: 1 Samuel 2:11 to 3:1a: James Terry
12th September 2021: 1 Samuel 1:1 to 2:11: James Terry
5th September 2021: All Age Talk: 'Coming to Jesus' Matthew 9 v 18 - 26: Revd James Terry
29th August 2021: Psalm 39: James Terry
22nd August 2021: Psalm 38: James Terry
15th August 2021: Psalm 37: James Terry
8th August 2021: Psalm 36: Dave Bennett
Interview, Reading & Sermon
1st August 2021: Psalm 35: James Terry
Reading & Sermon
25th July 2021: Psalm 95: Steve James
Interview, Reading & Sermon
18th July 2021: Psalm 34: Dave Bennett
Interview, Reading & Sermon
11th July 2021: All Age Service: 'Coming to Jesus' Bible Reading & Talk: Matthew 9 v 1 - 8: James Terry
- 4th July 2021: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy:
- Bible Reading & Sermon: 1 Timothy 6 v 11-21:James
27th June 2021: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy:
- Bible Reading & Sermon: 1 Timothy 6 v 2b-10:James
20th June 2021: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy: Bible Reading & Sermon: 1 Timothy 5 v 17 - 6 v 2: James
13th June 2021: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy:
Bible Reading & Sermon: 1 Timothy 5 v 1-16: James Terry
6th June 2021: All Age Service inc. quiz (Charlotte)
Bible Reading & Talk:Matthew 8 v 5-13: James Terry
30th May 2021: Trinity Sunday
Bible Reading & Sermon: 1 Timothy 4 v 1-16: James Terry
23rd May 2021: Pentecost Sunday:
Bible Reading & Sermon: 1 Timothy 3 v 1-16: James Terry
Bible Reading & Sermon:1 Timothy 2 v 8-15:James Terry
9th May 2021: All Age Service inc. quiz (Charlotte)
2nd May 2021: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy:
Bible Reading & Sermon: 1 Timothy 2 v 1-7: James Terry
25th April 2021: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy:
Bible Reading & Sermon: 1 Timothy 1 v 12-20:James Terry
18th April 2021: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy:
Bible Reading & Sermon:1 Timothy 1 v 1 - 11:James Terry
11th April 2021: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy:
Bible Reading & Sermon: Revelation 1 v 1-18: James Terry
4th April 2021: Easter Sunday Audio Service
Bible Reading & Sermon: Matthew 27:57-28:20: James
28th March 2021: Palm Sunday Audio Service
Bible Reading & Sermon: John 10 v 22-42: James Terry
Bible Reading & Sermon: John 10 v 1-21: James Terry
14th March 2021: Mothering Sunday All Age Service: Bible Reading and Talk: 1 Peter 5 v 6 - 7: James Terry
7th March 2021: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy:
Bible Reading & Sermon: John 9 v 1 - 41: James Terry
28th February 2021: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy:
Bible Reading & Sermon: John 8 v 31 - 59: James Terry
21st February 2021: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy:
Bible Reading & Sermon: John 8 v 12 - 30: James Terry
Ash Wednesday, 17th February 2021: 1 John 1 v 5 - 22
14th February 2021: Quiz, Prayers, Memory Verse Bible Reading & All Age Talk: John 3:16-18: James
7th February 2021: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy
Bible Reading & Sermon: John 7 v 25 - 52: James Terry
31st January 2021: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy
Bible Reading & Sermon: John 7 v 1 - 24: James Terry
24th Jan 2021 (in Church):Theme, "Faithful in Prayer"
Bible Reading & Sermon: Luke 18 v 1-8: Bishop Keith
(we apologise for the poor quality of this recording)
24th January 2021: Theme "Faithful in Prayer"
Bible Reading & Sermon: Luke 11:5-13: James Terry
17th Jan 2021:Theme "Patient in affliction"
Bible Reading & All Age talk: James 5:7-11: James Terry
10th January 2021: Theme "Joyful in hope"
Bible Reading & Sermon: 1 Peter 1 v 3-13: James Terry
3rd January 2021: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy
Bible Reading & Sermon: Romans 5:1-9 & 12:9-13: James
27th December 2020: All Age Audio Service
Bible Reading & Talk: Luke 2 v 25-38: James Terry
25th December 2020: Christmas Day Service
Bible Reading & All Age Talk: Luke 1 v 26-38: James Terry
20th December 2020: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy
Bible Reading & All Age Talk:Matthew 1:18 to 2:12: James
13th December 2020: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy
Bible Reading & Sermon: Jeremiah 52 v 12-34: James Terry
6th December 2020: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy
Bible Reading & Sermon:Jeremiah ch. 46 to 51:James Terry
29th November 2020: Advent Sunday Service
Bible Reading & Sermon: Jeremiah 41:16-43:7:James Terry
22nd November 2020: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy
Bible Reading & Sermon: Jeremiah 39:1-40:6 James Terry
15th November 2020: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy
Bible Reading & Sermon: Jeremiah 37-38: James Terry
8th November 2020: Remembrance Sunday Service
Bible Reading & Sermon: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27: James
1st November 2020: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy
Bible Reading & Sermon: Jeremiah 36:1-32: Dave Bennett
25th October 2020: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy
Bible Reading & Sermon: Jeremiah 35 v 1-19: James Terry
18th October 2020: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy
Bible Reading & Sermon: Jeremiah 32 v 1-25: James Terry
11th October 2020: All Age Harvest Service
Bible Reading & Talk: Mark 4 v 1-20: James Terry
4th October 2020: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy
Bible Reading & Sermon: Jeremiah 31:15-17:31-34: James
27th September 2020: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy
Bible Reading & Sermon: Jeremiah 29:1-14: James Terry
20th September 2020: All Age Service 'Following Jesus'
Bible Reading & Talk: Luke 18 v 18-30: James Terry
13th September 2020: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy
Bible Reading & Sermon: Jeremiah 27:1-15;28:1-17:James
6th September 2020: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy
Bible Reading & Sermon: Jeremiah 25 v 1-16: James Terry
30th August 2020: All Age Service 'Following Jesus'
Bible Reading & Talk: Luke 9 v 18-27 - James Terry
23rd August 2020 Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy Psalm 33 Bible Reading & Sermon - James Terry
16th August 2020 All Age Service: 'Following Jesus' Luke 5 v 27-32 Bible Reading & Talk - James Terry
9th August 2020 Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy Psalm 32 Bible Reading & Sermon - James Terry
2nd August 2020 All Age Service: 'Following Jesus' Luke 5 v 1-11 Bible Reading & Talk - James Terry
26th July 2020 Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy Psalm 31 Bible Reading & Sermon - Dave Bennett
19th July 2020 Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy Psalm 30 Bible Reading & Sermon - Steve James
12th July 2020 All Age Audio Service Luke 10 v 38-42 Bible Reading & Talk - James Terry
5th July 2020 Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy Acts 15 v 36 to 16 v 5 Bible Reading & Sermon - James Terry
28th June 2020 Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy Acts 15 v 1-35 Bible Reading & Sermon - James Terry
21st June 2020 Hymns, Prayers, Liturgy & Open Doors Report Acts 14 v 20b - 28 Bible Reading & Sermon - James Terry
14th June 2020 All Age Service: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy Philippians 4 v 4-7 Bible Reading & Talk - James Terry
7th June 2020 Trinity Sunday: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy Acts 14 v 1-21a Bible Reading & Sermon - James Terry
31st May 2020 Pentecost: Hymns, Prayers & Liturgy
John 15:26 - 16:15 Bible Reading & Sermon - James Terry
24th May 2020 Hymns, Prayers and Liturgy
Acts 13 v 13-52 Bible Reading & Sermon - James Terry
21st May 2020 Ascension Day Hebrews 4:14-16: Luke 24:50-53 James Terry
17th May 2020 (part 1) Hymns, Prayers and Liturgy
Acts 12:25 - 13:12 (part 2) Bible Reading & Sermon - James Terry
10th May 2020 (part 1) All Age Service including Quiz Luke 12 v 22-32 (part 2) Bible Reading & Talk - James Terry
3rd May 2020 (part 1) Hymns, Prayers and Liturgy Revelation (part 2) Bible Reading & Sermon - James Terry 21 v 1-5, 22 v 1-6
26th April 2020 (part 1) Hymns, Prayers and Liturgy John 21 v 15-25 (part 2) Bible Reading & Sermon - James Terry
19th April 2020 (part 1) Hymns, Prayers and Liturgy John 20 v 19-31 (part 2) Bible Reading & Sermon - James Terry
12th April 2020 (part 1) Easter Sunday All Age Service & 1st Bible Reading John 19:38 - 20:10 (part 2) 2nd Bible Reading and Talk by James Terry
10th April 2020 Good Friday Reflections John 19 v 1-37 James Terry
5th April 2020 (part 1) Palm Sunday Audio Service John 6 v 41-71 (part 2) Bible Reading & Sermon - James Terry
29th March 2020 (part 1) Hymns, Prayers and Liturgy John 6 v 25-40 (part 2) Bible Reading & Talk - James Terry
22nd March 2020 (part 1) Mothering Sunday All Age service John 6 v 16-24 (part 2) Bible Reading & Talk - James Terry
John 6 v 1-15 15th March 2020 James Terry (we apologise for the poor quality of this recording)
John 5 v 31-47 8th March 2020 James Terry
John 5 v 16-30 1st March 2020 James Terry
John 5 v 1-15 16th February 2020 James Terry
John 4 v 43-54 9th February 2020 James Terry
John 4 v 27-42 2nd February 2020 James Terry
John 4 v 1-26 26th January 2020 James Terry (we apologise for the poor quality of this recording)
John 1:14-18 & 12:20-26 (Seeing Jesus in John's gospel) 12th Jan. James Terry
Hebrews 12:1-3 (Verse of the Year) 5th January 2020 James Terry
Jeremiah 23 v 9 - 24 v 10 15th December 2019 James Terry
Jeremiah 19:14 - 20:18 1st December 2019 James Terry
Jeremiah 16 v 1-15 17th November 2019 James Terry
Jeremiah 15 v 10-21 3rd November 2019 James Terry (we apologise for the poor quality of this recording)
Jeremiah 13 v 1-17 27th October 2019 James Terry
Jeremiah 11:18-12:17 20th October2019 James Terry
Jeremiah 4 v 5 - 6 v 30 22nd September 2019 James Terry
Jeremiah 2 v 1 - 4 v 4 15th September 2019 James Terry
Jeremiah 1 v 1-19 8th September 2019 James Terry
Nahum 2 v 1 - 3 v 19 14th July 2019 James Terry
Nahum 1 v 1-15 7th July 2019 James Terry
James 5 v 13-20 30th June 2019 James Terry
James 4 v 13 - 5 v 12 23rd June 2019 James Terry
James 3 v 13 - 4 v 12 16th June 2019 James Terry (we apologise for the poor quality of this recording)
Acts 4 v 5-13 9th June 2019 James Terry
James 3 v 1-12 2nd June 2019 David Vestergaard
James 2 v 14-26 26th May 2019 James Terry
James 2 v 1-13 19th May 2019 James Terry
James 1 v 19-27 12th May 2019 James Terry
James 1 v 1-18 5th May 2019 James Terry (we apologise for the poor quality of this recording)
John 3 v 22-36 28th April 2019 James Terry
John 3 v 1-21 14th April 2019 James Terry
John 2 v 13-25 7th April 2019 Ron Ivespn
John 2 v 1-11 31st March 2019 James Terry
John 1 v 35-51 24th March 2019 James Terry
John 1 v 19-34 17th March 2019 James Terry
John 1 v 1-18 10th March 2019 James Terry
Psalms 121:1-8 & 127:1-2 (God & Sleep) 3rd March 2019 James Terry
Proverbs 27:5-11 (God & Friendships) 17th February 2019 James Terry
Exodus 20:8-11; 1 Timothy 6:17 (God & Leisure) 10th February James Terry
Colossians 3:22 to 4:1 (Work & Witness) 3rd February 2019 James Terry
Proverbs 6:6-11; Ecclesiastes 2:17-26 (Work & Wisdom) 27 Jan. James Terry
Matthew 6:19-24 (God & Money) 20th January 2019 James Terry
Genesis 1:26-2:3 (Work & The World) 13th January 2019 James Terry
Romans 12 v 1-2 6th January 2019 James Terry
Malachi 3 v 13 to 4 v 6 16th December 2018 James Terry
Malachi 3 v 6 to 12 9th December 2018 James Terry
Malachi 2 v 17 to 3 v 5 2nd December 2018 James Terry
Malachi 2 v 10-16 25th November 2018 James Terry
Malachi 1 v 6 to 2 v 9 18th November 2018 James Terry
Malachi 1 v 1-5 4th November 2018 James Terry (we apologise for the poor quality of this recording)
Exodus 35 to 40 28th October 2018 James Terry
Exodus 33 v 12 - 34 v 11 21st October 2018 James Terry
Mark 4 v 26-32 14th October 2018 (Harvest) James Terry
Exodus 32 v 1-35 7th October 2018 Phil Highton
Exodus 31 v 1-18 30th September 2018 James Terry
Exodus 28 v 1 - 29 v 46 23rd September 2018 James Terry
Exodus 25 v 1 - 27 v 21 16th September 2018 James Terry
1 Peter 4 v 7-11 2nd September 2018 James Terry
Psalm 24 26th August 2018 Derek Marshall
Psalm 23 19th August 2018 Derek Marshall
Psalm 22 12th August 2018 Chris Slater
Psalm 21 5th August 2018 Derek Marshall
Psalm 20 29th July 2018 James Terry (we apologise for the poor quality of this recording)
Mark 2:1-12 (God the Son) 22nd July 2018 James Terry
Psalm 19 15th July 2018 James Terry
Acts 12 v 1-25 8th July 2018 James Terry
Acts 11 v 19-30 1st July 2018 James Terry
Acts 10 v 1 - 11 v 18 24th June 2018 James Terry
Matthew 5:43-48, 6:5-13 (God the Father) 17th June 2018 James Terry
Acts 9 v 32-43 10th June 2018 James Terry
Acts 9 v 19-31 3rd June 2018 Derek Marshall
Acts 9 v 1-19 27th May 2018 Derek Marshall
John 14:15-17; 16:12-15 (God the Holy Spirit) 20th May 2018 Derek Marshall
Acts 8 v 26-40 13th May 2018 James Terry
Acts 8 v 1-25 6th May 2018 James Terry
Acts 6 v 8 - 7 v 60 29th April 2018 James Terry
John 14 v 1-10 (I am the way) 22nd April 2018 James Terry
Matthew 28 v 16-20 15th April 2018 Richard Wood
Matthew 27 v 62 - 28 v 15 8th April 2018 Derek Marshall
Matthew 27 v 45-56 25th March 2018 James Terry
Matthew 27 v 27-44 18th March 2018 (Confirmation) Bishop Keith
Matthew 27 v 11-26 4th March 2018 Derek Marshall
Jonah 4 v 1-11 (Holiday Club) 25th February 2018 James Terry
Matthew 26 v 69 - 27 v 10 18th February 2018 Richard Wood
Matthew 26 v 47-68 11th February 2018 James Terry
Matthew 26 v 31-46 4th February 2018 Derek Marshall
Matthew 26 v 17-30 28th January 2018 James Terry
John 9 v 1-12 (I am the light) 21st January 2018 Derek Marshall
Matthew 26 v 1-16 14th January 2018 James Terry
1 Corinthians 1:18 - 2:5 (Christ Crucified) 7th January 2018 James Terry
Isaiah 49 v 1-13 3rd December 2017 James Terry
2 Corinthians 9 v 1-15 26th November 2017 James Terry
Exodus 24 v 1-18 19th November 2017 Derek Marshall
John 10 v 11-18 (I am the Good Shepherd) 12th Nov 2017 James Terry
Exodus 21 v 1-9 5th November 2017 Derek Marshall
Exodus 20 v 1-21 29th October 2017 Derek Marshall
Exodus 20 v 1-11 22nd October 2017 James Terry
Exodus 19 v 1-25 15th October 2017 Richard Wood
John 6 v 5-51 (I am the bread of life) 8th October 2017 James Terry
Exodus 18 v 1-27 1st October 2017 James Terry
Exodus 17 v 8-16 24th September 2017 Richard Wood
Exodus 16 v 1 to 17 v 7 17th September 2017 James Terry
Mark 10 v 46-52 10th September 2017 James Terry
John 10 v 7-11 (I am the gate) 3rd Sept 2017 Derek Marshall
Psalm 18 27th August 2017 Derek Marshall
Psalm 17 20th August 2017 Richard Wood
Psalm 16 13th August 2017 Derek Marshall
Psalm 14 30th July 2017 Richard Wood
1 Corinthians 6 v 9-20 (God, Sex & Marriage III) 16th July 2017 James Terry
Romans 1 v 18-32 (God, Sex & Marriage II) 9th July 2017 James Terry
Genesis 1:26-28; 2:18-25 (God, Sex & Marriage I) 2nd July 2017 James Terry
Acts 6 v 1-7 25th June 2017 Derek Marshall
Acts 5 v 12-42 18th June 2017 James Terry
Acts 4 v 32 - 5 v 11 11th June 2017 Richard Wood
Acts 4 v 23-31 4th June 2017 Derek Marshall
Acts 3 v 1-10 14th May 2017 Richard Wood
Matthew 25 v 31-46 7th May 2017 James Terry
Matthew 25 v 14-30 30th April 2017 James Terry
Matthew 25 v 1-13 23rd April 2017 Richard Wood
John 20 v 1-18 16th April 2017 (Easter Sunday) Derek Marshall
John 19 v 1-30 14th April 2017 (Good Friday) James Terry
Matthew 24 v 36-51 9th April 2017 Richard Wood
Matthew 24 v 1-35 2nd April 2017 Derek Marshall
Matthew 23 v 1-39 19th March 2017 Archdeacon Mike Gilbertson (Apologies for the poor quality of this recording)
Matthew 22 v 15-46 12th March 2017 Richard Wood
Matthew 22 v 1-14 5th March 2017 Derek Marshall
Acts 16 v 11-15 Holiday Club Service 26th February 2017 James Terry
Matthew 21 v 33-46 19th February 2017 James Terry
Matthew 21 v 23-32 12th February 2017 James Terry
Matthew 21 v 1-22 5th February 2017 James Terry
Colossians 3:12-17 (The wonder of the church IV) 29th Jan 2017 James Terry
Acts 2 v 42-47 (The wonder of the church III) 22nd Jan 2017 Derek Marshall
1 Corinthians 12:12-27 (The wonder of the church II) 15.01.2017 James Terry
Ephesians 3:1-13 (The wonder of the church I) 8th Jan 2017 James Terry
Luke 2 v 8-20 1st January 2017 Derek Marshall
Exodus 13:17-18, 14:5-28 4th Dec 2016 Derek Marshall
Exodus 12 v 1-13 27th November 2016 Derek Marshall
2 Corinthians 8 v 1-15 20th November 2016 James Terry
John 3 v 14-20 13th November 2016 Derek Marshall
Exodus 9 v 13-35 6th November 2016 Derek Marshall
Exodus 5 v 1 to 6 v 30 30th October 2016 James Terry
Exodus 4 v 18-31 23rd October 2016 James Terry
Exodus 3 v 1 to 4 v 17 16th October 2016 James Terry
Exodus 2 v 11-25 2nd October 2016 James Terry
Luke 19 v 1-10 25th September 2016 James Terry
Exodus 2 v 1-10 18th September 2016 James Terry
Exodus 1 v 1-22 11th September 2016 James Terry
1 Corinthians 2 v 1-5 4th September 2016 Bishop Keith
Psalm 13 28th August 2016 James Terry
Psalm 12 21st August 2016 Derek Marshall
Psalm 11 14th August 2016 Derek Marshall
Philippians 3 v 10-21 7th August 2016 Derek Marshall
1 Corinthians 9 v 24-27 31st July 2016 James Terry
The Book of Jude 17th July 2016 James Terry
2 Peter 3 v 11-18 3rd July 2016 Derek Marshall
2 Peter 3 v 1-10 26th June 2016 Derek Marshall
2 Peter 2 v 1-22 19th June 2016 James Terry
2 Peter 1 v 12-21 5th June 2016 Derek Marshall
2 Peter 1 v 1-11 29th May 2016 James Terry
Acts 2 v 42-47 22nd May 2016 James Terry
Acts 1 v 12-26 8th May 2016 James Terry
Acts 1 v 1-11 1st May 2016 James Terry
Revelation 21:1-8,22:1-6 24th April 2016 James Terry
Revelation 7 v 9-17 10th April 2016 Derek Marshall
Luke 24 v 1-12 27th March (Easter Day) James Terry
Luke 23 v 1-46 25th March (Good Friday) James Terry
Matthew 21 v 1-11 20th March 2016 Bishop Keith
Matthew 20 v 29-34 13th March 2016 David Noel
Matthew 20 v 17-28 6th March 2016 James Terry
Matthew 20 v 1-16 28th February 2016 Derek Marshall
Mark 16 v 1-8 21st February 2016 James Terry
Matthew 19 v 13-30 14th February 2016 Derek Marshall
Matthew 19 v 1-12 7th February 2016 James Terry
James 1:2-12 (Joy in suffering) 31st Jan 2016 James Terry
Luke 15:1-24 (Joy in finding the lost) 24.01.16 Derek Marshall
Philippians 1:3-19 (Joy in Philippians)10.01.16 Derek Marshall
Luke 2:8-20 (Joy at Christmas) 3rd Jan. 2016 Derek Marshall
John 1:1-14 6th December 2015 Derek Marshall
Proverbs 3:5-18 29th November 2015 James Terry
Habakkuk 3:1-19 22nd November 2015 James Terry
Habakkuk 1:12-2:20 15th November 2015 James Terry
Mark 8:31-38 8th November 2015 James Durbin
Habakkuk 1:1-11 1st November 2015 James Terry
1 Peter 5:5-14 25th October 2015 James Terry
1 Peter 5:1-4 18th October 2015 James Terry
1 Peter 4:12-19 4th October 2015 James Terry
Acts 3:1-26 27th September 2015 James Terry
1 Peter 4:7-11 20th September 2015 Derek Marshall
1 Peter 4:1-6 13th September 2015 James Terry
1 Peter 3:9-22 6th September 2015 James Terry
Psalm 10 23rd August 2015 Derek Marshall
Psalm 9 16th August 2015 Derek Marshall
Psalm 8 9th August 2015 Derek Marshall
Psalm 7 2nd August 2015 James Terry
Psalm 6 26th July 2015 James Terry
Matthew 3:1-10;7:15-20 19th July 2015 James Terry
1 Peter 3 v 1-8 12th July 2015 James Terry
Acts 10 v 1-23 5th July 2015 James Terry
1 Peter 2 v 18-25 28th June 2015 Derek Marshall
1 Peter 2 v 11-17 14th June 2015 David Vestergaard
1 Peter 2 v 4-10 7th June 2015 Derek Marshall
1 Peter 1 v 22 - 2 v 3 31st May 2015 James Terry
1 Peter 1 v 13-21 17th May 2015 James Terry
1 Peter 1 v 3-12 10th May 2015 Derek Marshall
1 Peter 1:1-2; 5:12-14 3rd May 2015 James Terry
1 Corinthians 15:35-58 26th April 2015 James Terry
1 Corinthians 15:12-34 19th April 2015 Michael Gilbertson
1 Corinthians 15:1-11 12th April 2015 Derek Marshall
John 20:24-29 5th April 2015 (Easter) Derek Marshall
Matthew 18 v 21-35 29th March 2015 James Terry
Matthew 18 v 15-20 22nd March 2015 James Terry
Matthew 18 v 10-14 15th March 2015 Derek Marshall
Matthew 18 verses 6-9 8th March 2015 Derek Marshall
Matthew 18 verses 1-5 1st March 2015 Derek Marshall
John 15:1-17 (Remain in Jesus) 22/02/2015 Derek Marshall
Hebrews 10:19-25 (Meeting Together) 15/02/15 James Terry
2 Timothy 3:10-17 (Live by the Bible) 08/2/15 Derek Marshall
Luke 5:17-26 (The authority of Jesus) 18/1/15 Derek Marshall
Matthew 2 verses 13-23 4th January 2015 David Noel
Luke 21:1-4 (Jesus on giving) 7th Dec 2014 James Terry
Luke 17:20-37 (Jesus on his return) 30 Nov 2014 David Noel
Matthew 10:16-33 (Jesus on persecution) 23/11/14 James
Jonah 4 verses 1-10 16th November 2014 Derek Marshall
Jonah 3 verses 1-10 2nd November 2014 Derek Marshall
Jonah 2 verses 1-10 26th October 2014 Derek Marshall
Jonah 1 verses 1-17 19th October 2014 Derek Marshall
Ruth 4 verses 1-22 5th October 2014 James Terry
Luke 18 verses 9-14 28th September 2014 James Terry
Ruth 3 verses 1-18 21st September 2014 James Terry
Ruth 2 verses 1-23 14th September 2014 James Terry
Ruth 1 verses 1-22 7th September 2014 James Terry
Psalm 4 verses 1-8 17th August 2014 David Noel
Psalm 2 verses 1-12 3rd August 2014 James Terry
Psalm 1 verses 1-6 27th July 2014 James Terry
Philippians 4:10-23 13th July 2014 James Terry
Philippians 3:10-4:1 29th June 2014 David Noel
Philippians 2:19-30 1st June 2014 James Terry
Philippians 1:12-26 11th May 2014 James Terry
Philippians 1:1-11 4th May 2014 James Terry